Toy Hunter is a series that premiered on Travel Channel on August 15, 2012. It follows the exploits of Jordan Hembrough, a renowned toy dealer, who takes toy picking to a new levelToy Hunter is a series that premiered on Travel Channel on August 15, 2012. It follows the exploits of Jordan Hembrough, a renowned toy dealer, who takes toy picking to a new level as he visits collections from some of the most popular cities on the East and West Coasts.详情
内藤秀一郎 , 驹木根葵汰 , 山口贵也 , 川津明日香 , 青木瞭 , 生岛勇辉 , 岡宏明 , 市川知宏 , 铃木福 , 谷田步 , 石丸谦二郎 , 浅沼晋太郎 , 梶裕贵