In the animation Mother Land, the Yates, a nomadic tribe of Tundra, adhere to the traditional lifestyle despite the conciliatory and coercion of development. A little girl, Krisha;In the animation Mother Land, the Yates, a nomadic tribe of Tundra, adhere to the traditional lifestyle despite the conciliatory and coercion of development. A little girl, Krisha; her younger brother, Kolya; and her mother and father live happily in the traditional way. However, one day, while her mother is ill and her father goes to the city to get medicine, Krisha and Kolya ...详情
内藤秀一郎 , 驹木根葵汰 , 山口贵也 , 川津明日香 , 青木瞭 , 生岛勇辉 , 岡宏明 , 市川知宏 , 铃木福 , 谷田步 , 石丸谦二郎 , 浅沼晋太郎 , 梶裕贵